to Drive Growth
Hugh Molotsi, Mjumo Mzyece,
Ogundiran Soumonni and Jeff Zias
Available on Amazon

Perhaps the most under-utilized assets in most companies are the ideas in their employees’ heads

Our book helps you learn three key things:
- How to tap into your employees' passion to drive growth
- A useful model for assessment: See how different innovation programs provide varied levels of effectiveness
- How to use our “recipe book” for going from 0 to 100 (from no innovation program to a cohesive program that effectively drives growth)
Now there are many books that have been written on how to develop an innovation culture, but our book is unique. We provide hands-on practical tools for implementing systemic change. Our Intrapreneurship Empowerment Model describes the components of an effective and sustainable internal innovation program.
About the AuTHORS
The intrapreneurship Empowerment model

Imagine a workplace where every employee feels they can do the best work of their lives. They are encouraged to autonomously develop insights as they work with customers and products. Those insights lead to ideas which they share with their fellow employees, with corporate partners, and even customers, refining and improving them along the way.

Each employee can choose which idea they are passionate about and join teams to quickly develop Minimum Viable Products for in-market experimentation. After several iterations, certain teams have customer validated data proving their products have merit and will help drive company growth. With self-evident data in hand, each team pitches their products to senior leaders who enthusiastically bless them for formal funding.

Such a workplace is not some imaginary utopia. We’ve observed many aspects of this vision in several innovative companies that empower frontline employees. With the Intrapreneurship Empowerment Model, we are providing you a framework to bring these best practices to your company.